How to use binance cloud mining and 5 benefits?

Last updated on January 23rd, 2024 at 08:59 am

Binance cloud mining

Binance Cloud mining is now a popular way for people to join cryptocurrency mining without costly equipment or technical skills. Binance, a top crypto exchange, provides its cloud mining service. Interested users can subscribe to Binance’s cloud mining services and buy hashrates. Hashrate is the power needed to confirm Bitcoin transactions. Binance sells 1 Terahash per second for $10.7280, including $1.17 for electricity. More hashrate increases Bitcoin earnings. In this article, I’ll explore Binance cloud mining, how it works, and its benefits. Binance recently introduced new subscription-based Bitcoin cloud mining products.

What Is Cloud Mining?

Cloud mining is a way to mine cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin, using rented cloud computing power. You don’t have to set up hardware or software. Instead, you open an account with cloud mining companies and join the mining process for a basic fee. This makes mining available to people all over the world. Since it’s cloud-based, you don’t have to worry about equipment maintenance or direct energy costs. Cloud miners join a mining pool and buy “hash power.” The money you make depends on the power you rent. Cloud mining uses cloud computing to create cryptocurrencies based on the blockchain. Cloud computing is a growing trend where you access computing services like processing, servers, databases, software, and storage over the Internet.

Companies charge for usage, similar to water or electricity bills. Mining is essential for cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. It verifies transactions and adds them to the public ledger, called the blockchain. It’s also how new coins are made. Combining cloud mining with this process opens up mining to people in distant places with little technical knowledge and no hardware. Hosted mining is very popular way of cloud mining. Here, the customer buys or leases mining hardware located in a miner’s facility.

The miner maintains the equipment. While it has advantages, like manageable costs, there’s also an upfront cost. Leased hash power is another model. In this model, hash power is leased from a mining farm, and customers get a share of the profits. But cloud mining has its drawbacks, like industry scams, diminishing profits, and centralization of cryptocurrencies.

How Cloud Mining Works on Binance ?

how binance cloud mining works

Binance, the cryptocurrency platform, has evolved beyond just trading. It now offers staking, liquidity farming, and even a payment card. Binance has added cloud mining to its offerings. Mining crypto can be expensive, especially Bitcoin, with ASIC miners costing thousands of dollars. But there’s a solution for people who can’t afford it: cloud mining.

In cloud mining, you pay someone to mine crypto for you. You don’t need any mining hardware like GPUs or ASIC miners. The person you pay uses their equipment to mine for you. The minimum is one Th/s, but you can increase it for more profit. For example, with a 20 Th/s hash rate on a 180-day contract, you could earn about 0.0000474 BTC per day, or $1.36, totaling $246 in six months. But, remember, higher hash rates come with higher fees, as the mining farms use more power on your behalf.

There’s a 2.5% mining pool fee and a 1.5% management fee for cloud mining. Currently, you can only mine Bitcoin with Binance’s cloud mining feature. To use it, create a Binance account, and verify your identity.

the Benefits of Binance Cloud Mining

Benefits of cloud mining

Here are the benefits of Binance cloud mining:


Binance cloud mining is super cheap. Buying and keeping your own mining gear costs lots. Cloud mining erases those expenses. Just buy a mining contract. Someone else does all the work.

2-No technical expertise required

Setting up mining gear is tough without tech skills. Binance cloud mining handles all setup and upkeep. You mine crypto worry-free.


Binance cloud mining helps mine many cryptos. No need for equipment. Diversify your crypto, lower risks.

4-Regular payouts

Binance cloud mining pays you in crypto, into your wallet, for easy earnings tracking.

5-Less Risky

Cloud mining is less risky than buying and holding crypto. You can calculate profits upfront. It reduces the risk of losing keys or getting scammed.

How to subscribe to a Cloud Mining product?

how to subscribe

Binance Cloud Mining lets people who don’t have mining gear earn rewards from Binance Pool. You buy hashrates from Cloud Mining and collect rewards in your Funding Wallet. Here’s how:

Binance Cloud Mining
login to pool
  • 1. Log in to your Binance account and click [Earn] – [Binance Pool].
see available Cloud Mining products
  • 2. Under [Market], see available Cloud Mining products. Pick one and click [Buy Now].
click buy now
  • 3. Adjust hashrate and choose your currency. We use USDT (1:1 exchange with USD). You’ll see the total payment, start time, and duration. Accept the service agreement and click [Confirm].
  • 4. After confirmation, Binance deducts the amount from your Spot Wallet. Ensure enough balance. 

Subscription opens from Thursday 04:00 (UTC) to the Monday at 02:00 (UTC). The total payment includes electricity and hashrate fees for your Cloud Mining. Mining output becomes your revenue. No refunds after subscription ends,” warns Binance.

On June 15, users can get hash rates and mining rewards by subscribing to new cloud mining items. Bitcoin mining gear and software are costly and power-hungry, making it less profitable for solo miners. Many miners join pools to work together and share profits.

Binance’s mining pool aims to boost miners’ earnings by letting them buy hash rates. In November 2022, Binance Pool introduced cloud mining. A severe winter storm in December 2022 caused power issues, leading to a three-day extension of cloud mining subscriptions.

Recent developments align with increased US regulatory actions. The SEC sued Binance on June 5 for selling unregistered securities. They issued a restraining order and summoned CEO Changpeng Zhao and others to appear in court within 21 days on June 7

How to choose the right mining plan for your needs ?

How to choose right plan

When picking a mining plan on Binance, think about your budget, goals, and desired cryptocurrency. Binance provides different plans with varying fees and power. Review them to find your best fit. To start cloud mining, you need a Binance account and funds for mining power. No technical skills or hardware are required. Binance’s platform includes a dashboard and monitoring tools for real-time progress and earnings tracking.

How Binance ensures reliable and efficient mining operations ?

Binance assures efficiency

Binance makes mining reliable and efficient with its advanced data centers and expert team. The data centers have top-notch hardware and experts keep mining smooth. Binance provides support through FAQs, knowledge base, and a ticket system. You can also reach them on their website or app.  Data centers are super secure with 24/7 monitoring. Binance needs users to use two-factor authentication for account safety. SSL encryption is used by binance for data security purpose.

How maximizing your mining profits with cloud mining ?

maximize profit

Choose the right mining plan. Review each plan to find what suits your needs and budget. Monitor mining progress. Keep an eye on it. Sometime adjust as necessary. Stay updated on mining trends. Know the latest trends and price changes to maximize profits. To withdraw mined cryptocurrencies from cloud mining, go to Binance’s withdrawal page. Select your cryptocurrency and enter your wallet address. Submit the request. Binance will process and transfer the cryptocurrency to your wallet.

What types of Cryptocurrencies can you mine on Binance Cloud Mining?

Binance cloud mining lets you buy contracts to mine cryptocurrencies. Costs depend on the coin, contract length, and mining power. Let’s check which coins you can mine on Binance.

1-Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin, the first big cryptocurrency, is famous and money-making to mine. Binance cloud mining has contracts: 30 days to a year. Hash rates go from 10 TH/s to 100 TH/s.

2-Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum is the second-biggest cryptocurrency. Many people mine it. Binance cloud mining provides contracts. They last from 30 days to one year. Mining equipment’s hash rate varies. It goes from 500 MH/s to 10 GH/s.

3-Litecoin (LTC)

Litecoin is a cryptocurrency made in 2011 as a Bitcoin branch. People mine it for profit with Binance cloud mining contracts, lasting from 30 days to a year. Mining equipment has a hash rate of 2 MH/s to 100 MH/s.

4-Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

Bitcoin Cash, made in 2017, forked from Bitcoin. It’s faster with lower fees. Binance offers mining contracts from 30 days to one year. Mining speed is 100-500 GH/s.

5-Zcash (ZEC)

Zcash is a private cryptocurrency using zk-SNARK. It’s great for mining. Binance offers mining deals from 30 days to a year. Mining speed goes from 10 to 300 kSol/s.

6-Dash (DASH)

Dash, made in 2014 from Bitcoin, aims for speed and low fees. Binance cloud mining sells Dash contracts, lasting 30 days to one year. Equipment yields 1-100 GH/s hash rate.


Cloud mining is a way to mine cryptocurrency easily and affordably. Binance cloud mining offers different plans for mining and supports various cryptocurrencies. It’s flexible and diverse. To make the most profit and enjoy the perks, stay updated on mining trends and follow best practices.

With Binance cloud mining, crypto fans can mine without buying expensive equipment. You save money, get regular payouts, and don’t need technical skills. But, remember, there are risks like crypto price changes and provider reliability. Think carefully before you invest. With Binance cloud mining, you can earn passive income through crypto mining, even without tech know-how.

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