How to add Solana to Metamask? 5 Best Metamask alternatives for Solana

Last updated on January 19th, 2024 at 06:46 am

Best Metamask alternatives for Solana


To learn Best Metamask alternatives for Solana. let’s first discuss, Metamask is a popular cryptocurrency wallet that is used to communicate with the Ethereum blockchain. The majority of cryptocurrency investors are familiar with Metamask.

It is a flexible wallet that is compatible with a wide variety of protocols across blockchains. In addition to this, it is compatible with the Ethereum ERC-20 protocol, which allows users to hold non-fungible tokens, and it supports thousands of other cryptocurrencies.

Solana is a robust distributed ledger system that was developed expressly for the purpose of creating decentralised applications that are both user-friendly and scalable (dApps). It is one of the blockchains that is the quickest in the world, and it has a multitude of projects that include NFTs, Web3, and other topics as well.

If you use Metamask as your primary wallet to store and trade cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens, then you might has this question, “Can I add Metamsk to Solana?”. Don’t worry; this article has got you covered.

In this post, we will discuss whether or not integrating Solana into Metamask is even possible. Jumping in!

Will my MetaMask wallet support the Solana cryptocurrency?

Metamask support the solana cryptocurrency

The answer to this question can be a little disheartening for anyone who have invested in cryptocurrencies. Because Solana and Metamask are incompatible with one another, you will not be able to import SOL, which is Solana’s native coin, straight into your Metamask wallet.

But, it’s possible that there are alternative ways to include Solana into Metamask (keep on reading to find two ways you can add Solana to Metamask) Best Metamask alternatives for Solana.

Solidity is the programming language that forms the basis of the Ethereum Virtual Machine, and Metamask only supports blockchains that have been built in that language.

Rust is Solana’s native programming language; as a result, the two languages are incompatible with one another. Is there any other approach that may be taken instead? Absolutely, there is.

How to add Solana to Metamask?

How to add solana to metamask

Although while it is not now feasible to connect Solana to Metamask directly, we do have an option that will assist you in adding Solana to your Metamask account.

Method 1: By using Binance Smart Chain

Let’s give the process of including wrapped Solana (wSOL) in the Binance Smart Chain a go using this way. A wrapped token is a representation of a cryptocurrency that originates from either a blockchain or a comparable token standard and has the same values as the original token. This is the most generic meaning of the term.

We are assuming that you have already added Binance Smart Chain to Metamask.

It not only acts as a representation of Solana on the Ethereum Blockchain but also functions as a bridge back to regular Solana. The following is a list of the actions that need to be taken in order to add Wrapped Solana to Metamask using the Binance Smart Chain.

Step 1: Visit the CoinMarketCap Website

You will first need to go to the official website of CoinMarketCap, and then you will need to find your way to the page that is dedicated to the Wrapped Solana coin. After you are finished, select the “more” option from the drop-down menu that appears when you hit “done,” and then copy the contract address of Wrapped Solana to the “BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)”

Step 2: Go to the Metamask Extension and pick BSC from the drop-down menu.

After that, choose the Metamask extension from the drop-down menu, and then proceed to input the passcode. Use a personal identification number (PIN), your fingerprint, or Face ID to access the Metamask app. Choose BSC as your default network once you have passed through.

Step 3: Import Tokens and Enter the Contract Address

Once you have chosen your Binance Smart Chain network, scroll down to the bottom of the Metamask window and click on the button labelled “Import tokens.” Now copy the contract address from CoinMarketCap and put it into Metamask. In only a few seconds, Metamask will get the following information: Ticker and Token symbol.

After that, select “Add Custom Token” from the menu, and then finish by including Solana in your Metamask wallet.

Remember that because these two platforms are incompatible with one another, attempting to transmit native SOL coins to Metamask would result in the irreversible loss of cash.

Method 2: By Using An Alternative Wallet

Let’s not give up after only one strategy; here’s a second one to come to your aid:

Best Metamask alternatives for Solana, Solana tokens as a medium of exchange for the purchase, sale, and exchange of other crypto assets is supported by a select number of platforms, most notably decentralised apps operating in the NFT ecosystem.

Because of this, the only way to utilise them is to use a wallet compatible with Solana, such as the Phantom wallet, which can be downloaded both as a desktop extension and as a mobile application.

We will discuss adding Solana to Phantom Wallet, however, you can check out the list of best Metamask alternatives for Solana below.

Let’s move on to the stages so you can gain a better understanding of how to configure a Phantom wallet for Solana support.

Step 1: Install the Phantom Wallet Extension or the Mobile App

In order to accomplish this, you will need to go to the Phantom wallet website and download either the app or the browser extension for your desktop computer, depending on whether you have an iOS or Android device.

Please take note that the procedures outlined below will be discussed in detail as stages for a browser extension.

Step 2: Creating a Brand-New Wallet

When Phantom has been successfully downloaded onto your device, navigate to the extension icon for the Phantom wallet on your browser and select “Create a New Wallet.”

Step 3: Log in With Your Credentials

You will want to come up with a secure password that you can use to get into your wallet if you need to. Confirm your selection in the following area, and then click the “Continue” button.

Step 4: Create a Backup Recovery Phrase

This gives you access to the Phantom wallet you’ve just generated once it was created. We strongly suggest writing down the phrase and keeping it in a secure location; after this has been accomplished, check the box and click “Continue.”

Step 5: Note the Shortcut Keys

Launching the Phantom wallet extension may be accomplished with the help of this. After you are finished, click the “Finish” button.

Now you’re done! Setting up a Phantom wallet has been finished; that turned out to be really simple.

Best Metamask alternatives for Solana

Best metamask alternatives for solana

Solana token is a high-performance blockchain gaining popularity due to its speed, low transaction costs, and high throughput. It is quickly becoming a favourite of developers and users alike. However, to interact with Solana-based dApps, you need a compatible wallet. Metamask is one of the most popular wallets in the Ethereum ecosystem, but it does not support Solana. Fortunately, there are several Metamask alternatives that you can use to interact with Solana-based dApps. This blog post will explore the Best Metamask alternatives for Solana.


Phantom is a popular Solana wallet that provides a seamless experience for users. It is a browser extension wallet that is available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Brave browsers. It provides a user-friendly interface, fast transaction speeds, and low fees. Additionally, Phantom has an impressive security architecture that ensures the safety of users’ funds.

Phantom allows users to store Solana tokens, interact with dApps, and stake SOL tokens. It also has a built-in token swap feature that allows users to trade between Solana-based tokens seamlessly. The wallet also supports various other features like seed phrases, hardware wallet integration, and multiple accounts.


Sollet is a web-based wallet with a simple and easy-to-use interface for interacting with Solana-based dApps. It is a great option for users who do not want to install a browser extension wallet. Sollet supports the storage of SOL tokens and other Solana-based tokens. It also allows users to interact with dApps, stake their SOL tokens, and participate in token sales.

Sollet’s robust security architecture ensures users’ funds’ safety. It uses a seed phrase to generate a private key that is stored locally on the user’s device. Additionally, Sollet also supports hardware wallet integration for added security.

Trust Wallet

Trust Wallet is a popular multi-chain mobile wallet that supports Solana. It is available for both iOS and Android devices and provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with Solana-based dApps. Trust Wallet supports the storage of SOL tokens and other Solana-based tokens. It also allows users to interact with dApps, stake their SOL tokens, and participate in token sales.

Trust Wallet has a robust security architecture that ensures the safety of users’ funds. It uses a seed phrase to generate a private key that is stored locally on the user’s device. Additionally, Trust Wallet also supports hardware wallet integration for added security.


Solflare is a web-based wallet that provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for interacting with Solana-based dApps. It is a great option for users who do not want to install a browser extension wallet. Solflare supports the storage of SOL tokens and other Solana-based tokens. It also allows users to interact with dApps, stake their SOL tokens, and participate in token sales.

Solflare has a robust security architecture that ensures the safety of users’ funds. It uses a seed phrase to generate a private key that is stored locally on the user’s device. Additionally, Solflare also supports hardware wallet integration for added security.

Ledger Live

Ledger Live is a hardware wallet that supports Solana. It is a great option for users who prefer to store their funds offline. Ledger Live supports the storage of SOL tokens and other Solana-based tokens. It also allows users to interact with dApps, stake their SOL tokens, and participate in token sales.

Ledger Live has a robust security architecture that ensures the safety of users’ funds. It uses a seed phrase to generate a private key that is stored on the user’s Ledger device. Additionally, Ledger Live also supports software wallet integration for added convenience.

So which one to choose?

Which one to choose

Phantom is popular due to its ease of use, low fees, fast transaction speeds, and built-in token swap feature. Sollet, on the other hand, is great for users who prefer a web-based wallet and do not want to install a browser extension. Trust Wallet is a great mobile wallet that provides a seamless experience for users who choose to interact with dApps on the go. Solflare is another great web-based wallet that provides a simple interface and supports hardware wallet integration. Finally, Ledger Live is an excellent option for users who use a hardware wallet to store their funds offline.

It is worth noting that while these wallets provide a great user experience, it is essential to prioritize security when interacting with any blockchain-based wallet. Users should always store their seed phrases securely and enable two-factor authentication when available. Additionally, users should exercise caution when interacting with new dApps and always verify the legitimacy of the projects they are interacting with.


So, can you add Solana to Metamask? Yes! In any case, by utilising alternatives because it is otherwise unable to do so considering their compatibility. We are hopeful that the two different methods that may be taken to add Solana to Metamask will assist you in adding Best Metamask alternatives for Solana in an easy manner.

In summary, Solana is a fast-growing blockchain with a vibrant ecosystem of dApps, and to interact with these dApps, users need a compatible wallet. The wallets mentioned above provide Best Metamask alternatives for Solana and provide a great user experience while prioritizing security. It is up to the user to choose the wallet that best suits their needs and preferences, but no matter the choice, security should always be a top priority.

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